About Me


My name is Sarah. I thought I would tell you a bit about me and how Twiddle started. I have always loved crafting but with two small twiddlers I haven’t done much for a good few years.

Then with 2020 going down the pan and me spending my evenings scrolling the news and social media I decided to start crafting again. 

I started making things for my family then onto friends. They showed people my makes who in turn asked if I was selling and before I knew it I had orders coming in. So I decided to give it a go more formally and Twiddle was born! 

You may wonder why Twiddle. Well.... picking a name didn’t come easy, initially I was going to try and incorporate my girls names. But I wanted something that was different and a one word name. Then one night I was reading my eldest a Little Miss story and on the last page it said something about “twiddling her thumbs” that was it I knew I had it and Twiddle was named. Not only did Twiddle fit in terms of stopping me scrolling the news and social media and “twiddling my thumbs” of an evening but my eldest daughters initial is T, my baby is W, the I stands for I (as in me) and my husbands initial is D! So the first 4 letters (kind of) represent us as a family too!  

I hope you like my makes as much as I love thinking of, designing and making them.

If there is something you would like but can’t see just ask I am more than happy to help if I can

